December 2024: Notre Dame Cathedral: A Journey of Hope & Resilience

President’s Message:   As we celebrate the holiday season, I want to share the inspiring story of Notre Dame’s miraculous reconstruction—a true tale of hope, which is what the holidays are all about. In the heart of Paris, Notre Dame stands as a beacon of resilience and hope. The devastating fire of 2019 left many […]

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November 2024: Gratitude In Action

President’s Message: Gratitude in Action: A Heartfelt Thank You from Our Team  As we approach the season of thankfulness, we at Plantscapers want to take a moment to reflect on the many reasons we have to be grateful. This time of year serves as a reminder to express appreciation—not only for the big milestones but […]

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October 2024: Grand Opening Review!

President’s Message: Our Grand Opening event was a huge success, and we are so grateful to everyone who attended. The day began with a blessing and prayer over our building and team, which was truly special. Next, our office staff participated in cutting the red ribbon to officially celebrate our new space. As our guests […]

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September 2024: Plantscapers Grand Opening Party

President’s Message: Grand Opening Party Well, the day is finally here! Plantscapers is having its Grand Opening Party on October 3rd from 4:00-8:00 PM. You should have received your personal invitation, as well as email invites to attend. So, please grab a co-worker and come join us at the event. It will be a packed […]

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August 2024: Meet Our Team

President’s Message: Introducing Our Team We are proud to introduce our dynamic team of professionals. We’re incredibly grateful for each member of the Plantscapers team, who bring biophilic designs to life every day. Meet our latest and greatest team members, from our office staff and horticulture specialists to our managers and leaders—the best of the […]

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July 2024: Christmas In July

President’s Message: Have any of you gone shopping at a large box store looking for summer items and found Halloween decorations and Christmas ribbons instead? I went in to get a raft for my upcoming summer vacation and walked out with holiday wrapping paper. Yes, it is true; it’s Christmas in July. Even though we […]

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June 2024: Antoni Gaudí: The Architectural Pioneer of Nature-Inspired Design

President’s Message: Remembering my Art History classes at Orange Coast College back in the ’80s, I recall one of my favorite and most talented artists and architects, Antoni Gaudí from Spain. Recently, his work reemerged in my research for a particular project, and I wanted to share it with you. If you have ever traveled […]

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Playing basketball to relieve stress and build resilience

May 2024: Handling Hard Better: Embracing Resilience in Life’s Challenges

President’s Message: When going through life, we are all faced with difficulties at times. Sometimes, have you noticed that you get overwhelmed all at once? As I talk with clients, associates, and friends, I hear more and more about how hard life can be. I want to share with you an amazing pep talk given […]

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1751 McGaw Ave
Irvine, CA 92614
Phone: (949) 486-1495
Toll-Free: 800-PLANT13
Fax: (949) 486-1499



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Mark and Julie, owners of Plantscapers


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