We are simply stardust formed through mother EARTH.
As the sun rises on the one day Earth stands out in human consciousness, its rays spill out like any other day to warm the dirt, the air and waters of this planet. Nature doesn’t realize the significance we’ve planted on this day.
We, collectively, have marked it as a time to examine with open hearts all the wounds the world carries and pledge to help. We must observe and adopt signs from nature herself and learn the proper conduct for living on such a giving planet.
RESPECT. Animals instinctively understand their surroundings and follow a code of respect with their fellow creatures and nothing is ever wasted. Today, understand the connections involved in everything, where the food you eat comes from, how the bed you sleep on was made, or the routes water takes to flow out of your faucets. Respect the abundance this world gives and don’t give way to waste. Everything we have appears from resources supplied to us generously by Earth.
COOPERATE. We are all in this together. Animals and plants have connective relationships that provide perfect partnerships for living. Green algae grow on sloths’ fur due to “compost” within the hairs which in turn provides food for the sloth. Or where water is scarce a waterhole becomes a neutral zone and all animals, predators and prey alike, find themselves together in peace. Let’s create our own relationships with nature such as through living walls and living buildings and work on cooperative solutions together as one planet.
LISTEN. Plants are sensitive to environmental factors as they sprout, develop and flower at the right time and place. Animals hear, taste, feel their surroundings and with an inner knowing guide their actions based on listening with all their senses. Humans have silenced their own abilities, relying on mechanics and instruments that are subject to fail. As stewards of Earth we must listen to nature’s ancient wisdom as she speaks through the scent of a rose or the rustling of leaves, reminding us we hold the key to sustainability of this planet. We are the keepers of this world.
Let every day become Earth Day.