I don’t know about you, but the last few months have been unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. As a company, Plantscapers focuses on bringing life through plants into your homes and offices. As our homes suddenly became our offices, our ability to do bring that life has been more challenging. So we are turning the challenge back to you–will you #StayPlanted?
We are so happy to introduce the nationwide #StayPlanted initiative to our friends and associates. It’s simple–find a plant that brings your joy and place it in a window. Plants are well known for their mental health benefits so, in this time of shelter-in-place, it’s important to give ourselves any advantage. Caring for plants by tending to their needs of sunlight and water can be a small form of self-care for us as well. And as we have to stay planted at home, we can let this be a stress reliever and mood booster.
Tending to plants can also help those that yearn for companionship. Talking to them has benefits for them as well.
“My plants have become my extended family,” said Maya Puller, a college student and self-described plant lover. “I acknowledge their needs, treat them kindly, and most importantly, love them. In return, they provide me with beautiful foliage. They simply make me happy!”
But #StayPlanted is two-fold. Yes, we want you to put a plant in your living/working space, but we also want you to share that plant with the world. Take a photo of your plant in a window and share it on your social media with the hashtag, #StayPlanted. Share your stories of how your plants are brightening your life and teaching you new things in a time of darkness. And by sharing your plants virtually with the world, you might brighten someone else’s social media stream and encourage them to find a plant as well.
With the #StayPlanted Initiative, Plantscapers and interiorscapers across the nation are excited about the ripple effect–one plant can bring joy and boost mood. One image can encourage someone else. And people that feel supported and encouraged can be kind to those around them. And that’s what we all need right now–kindness and a little grace.