Autumn Color in the Land of Eternal Sunshine


Ah, autumn. On the East Coast, this means vivid hues of red, yellow, and orange. Here in SoCal, it means more of the same greens and browns. But never fear, we can add some autumnal color to your plantscaping with tropical plants!  With bright pops of color from these interior plants, the only thing that you’ll miss out on is raking the yard. Here are some suggestions for fall plants you can use on your interior installs to bring that vibe to Southern California. 

crotonThe Croton-Codiaeum Variegatum in Petra

This plant, native to Hawaii, has beautiful orange, red, yellow, and green leaves all on the same plant, which represent the autumn colors so well.  The croton does require natural sunlight or at least 101-250-foot candles of light.  It is available in six, eight and ten-inch grow pots, ranging from 12 to 36 inches in height. It’s fun and easy to maintain; don’t forget to water every week, or it will droop. We use these in areas where we want to add a pop of color to brighten peoples’ moods.

Bromeliad ostura bromeliad claretBromeliad-Guzmania in Ostara or Claret

Both these bromeliads are super fun to use throughout the autumn. The Ostara is a tall orange flower, and the claret is a medium to low red flower. These plants are from the rainforests and have cups in them that hold the water. (Fun fact, pineapple is also a bromeliad!) They last for up to 3 months and will give a gorgeous jolt of color to any spot. They do require low to medium light or at least 50-250 foot-candles. These are available in four and six-inch grow pots and will get 12 inches tall.  They only need water every three weeks and are very easy to maintain. We add them to color bowls, living walls, at the base of plants, or simply in a decorative container. 

Dracaena Madagascar Dragon Tree-Dracaena Tricolor Madagascar

This tall tree has a subtle hint of reddish leaves mixed in with the green leaves.  Grown in both Hawaii and Florida, Dracaena presents itself as the protective plant in the Feng Sheu design school because of its pointy leaves. Place it in the CFO’s office or anywhere where confidentially or finances are held. It is fabulous in contemporary spaces where you want clean lines. Dracaena requires low to medium light of 50-250 foot-candles of light. It is available in six, eight, or ten-inch containers and grows up to ten feet tall. It’s a very easy plant to water and maintain, but needs to be kept clean.  Spider mites could be a problem if placed in a hot window and not cleaned regularly. We use these in most of our designs as they add such a nice sculptured look.

Kolanchoe succulentKalanchoe-Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Kalanchoe is a beautiful flowering succulent plant that produces vibrant orange, red or pink blossoms perfect for the autumn. The blooms last approximately two months and create a nice succulent plant base with a small pop of color. They are fun to use in walls, color bowls, at the base of plants, or alone in a nice container perfect for any reception area or conference rooms where you want a nice array of color. Kalanchoe is available in four and six-inch grow pots that can reach up to 12 inches in height. They require low to high light of 50-251 foot-candles. The higher the light, the longer the color will last. 

Interested in incorporating any of these plants in your next install? Let us find creative ways to brighten your space!


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Irvine, CA 92614
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Mark and Julie, owners of Plantscapers


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