At Plantscapers, it is important that we honor all our team members and value what each person brings to the table. Our company motto is to treat everyone the same–with respect and dignity. We value and celebrate hard work, dedication, and integrity among all our team members no matter what position. Celebrating once a year at our family team picnic has become one of our most cherished events.
Seeing everyone together in a relaxed environment is thrilling. As we watch people sharing food, stories, catching up on life, laughter, and playing volleyball and soccer together with everyone’s kids drives home why we do what we do. It’s a small investment for a huge outcome. It’s my favorite event of the year. This year we had over 75 people in attendance, which was so heartwarming and humbling. We love seeing everyone in this environment where we can just all be humans and relax and enjoy. The camaraderie is irreplaceable.
This year we asked our clients and associates to donate items from their companies for our raffle. We are so grateful for everyone’s donation and it made this year extremely special. Each team member walked away with something so special that they would never normally get for themselves. Thanks to: Arbonne, Ayres Hotel, California Greenhouse, Concept Design, Egg & Dart, Herbalife, Ivy Guild, Lume Cube, Nutrilite, Olive Hill, Plantscapers, Simple Green, Surf & Sand Hotel, Tijeras Creek Golf Club, and Vans for all their generous donations. They made a lot of people extremely happy and we are very appreciative. Also, a huge shout out to Courtney and Jen from Plantscapers for putting together this amazing event. Every year it just gets better and better! Can’t wait until next year.