Plantscapers is more than just a job to me; our team is like family. This year, in an effort to connect in an ever more distant world, I’ve begun meeting with my team members one on one to check-in. One of the common threads in all these conversations has been a lack of confidence in themselves. Believing in yourself is essential. So why is it so hard?
Even with all the education, training, and knowledge in one’s job, many people second guess themselves, making it harder to get tasks done. Why is this? What about our society creates this tendency?
I truly believe that nearly everything comes from the top, so leadership is the first place to look. Being an encouraging leader can be incredibly rewarding, both in productivity and in just plain old karma. The world is a difficult place these days. Make your home or office a sanctuary where people can feel safe and confident. It all starts with how we lead.
There’s not a lot of ‘at-a-boys’ or ‘at-a-girls’ in an increasingly competitive world. It feels more like a competition to survive rather than an opportunity to thrive. However, giving ourselves grace and making room for growth, even if it comes through making mistakes, is essential to being a good human, let alone a good boss or worker.
I wanted to share a few things that I find to be incredibly helpful in boosting our self-confidence. Hopefully, you’ll find ways to encourage yourself and your team!
Confidence Builders
- Surround yourself with positive people that inspire and lift you. Have you ever noticed how your mindset changes when you’re in different groups of people? Negative thinking is contagious, but so is positive thinking. Choose people that encourage you. Choose programs, podcasts, or music that inspires you. Your mind is just like your body; feed it well, and it will thrive.
- Keep learning. There’s no reason ever to say, ‘That’s it! It’s the best I can do, and now I‘m done!” Find a mentor, accept advice with curiosity and grace. Create a group at work where you can exchange ideas and create new things. Take a course and continue your education. There’s always more to learn.
- Be the change you want to see. Nope, it’s not just a bumper sticker. Being positive fosters positivity. Talk to your kids and build them up. Be a good example of someone that takes care of themselves, stays curious, and pays attention to others’ needs.
- Be present in the moment. You’ll find that positive and confident people are seldom the ones that are just waiting for their turn to talk. Listen well and make eye contact with people. People respond better to people that are polite and actually listen. You may learn something that can further your goals or inspire you to take the next step. If nothing else, you’ll be an example of consideration, which everyone can use more of.
- Take care of yourself. That can look different for everyone. Being physically active is really important for my mental health. For some, self-care could mean a massage or time to meditate or pray. No matter what it looks like for you, clue into what your body, mind, and spirit need and feed it. You can’t give water from an empty well.
- Have gratitude. I’ve made a habit of starting every day by writing down all the things that I’m grateful for and find that it starts my day with joy and confidence. Finding the things that you have can spur you to try to create those same joys for others. That makes for a great leader and a great team member.
Building your own confidence is never selfish or self-serving. Confident people are successful and visionary and build up the people around them to be the same. I hope these tips encourage you today. And if you want to join a team that truly believes in these ideals, Plantscapers would love to chat!