Grass is always greener on the other side – of the cubicle.
Such a revealing statement! More and more architects and interior designers are now incorporating interior plants into design plans and creating healthy work environments through principles found in the WELL Building Standard and LEED. Employees gather emotional and mental boosts while surrounded in environments that bring the natural world indoors. Efficiency and productivity is the by-product of workers when they work side by side with an interior that is designed with plants.
The truth is the grass is greener for workers who are surrounded by plants. Studies show working in an office environment with interior plants and greenery improves cognitive abilities. Plants
give fresh oxygen into the air while balancing humidity and pulling toxins out of the air. Clean fresh air helps the mind and body be more productive. And viewing greenery and natural structures soothes the mind and body through the symbiotic connection with nature called biophilia.
Just take at look at these other benefits:
▪Productivity is raised by 12%.
▪Creativity is increased by 6%.
▪Respiratory ailments are reduced by 20%.
▪Sick day absentees declined by 60%.
▪Noise levels can be deduced with living walls and plants.
Also, including plants inside buildings is profitable! By placing plants in buildings, a $14.51 return on investment per 100 sq/ft each month has been verified based on averages from the US Census Bureau combined with facility/building raw data.
Watch Keeping Plants in Mind to see why and how amazing plant designs enhance interior spaces. This new video from the Pinnacle V group shows how plants in both commercial and residential spaces promote the ideals of the WELL Building Standard.